Sep 21, 2023 Program Outline |
Board Governance Excellence
10:00-10:10 am | Welcome and Session Goals |
10:10-11:00 am | Keynote – Actively Sustaining Fidelity in Impactful Governance
Video Session by Paul Smith, Founder, Future Directors Institute Governance done well, with a focus on purpose, stakeholder impact, ethical decision-making, and a longer-term orientation is NOT a walk in the park. When a board takes the time, effort, and resources to better themselves, it can be hard to maintain high standards of governance performance in the face of constant uncertainty, volatility, and the ambiguity of the impact of their directions. So, how can a board maintain and strengthen its commitment to its purpose and impact? What are the main characteristics of a board that can successfully sustain fidelity to ‘good governance’ practices, especially when the governing group changes over time? Paul will navigate us through what it means to be an Atomic Boardroom. Building on previous presentations at the conference, he will help us understand what it means to build and maintain impact, continuously monitor and evaluate your board's effectiveness and make necessary course corrections to ensure that an organization remains true to its core values and objectives. |
11:00-11:20 am | Critical Conversation on Actively Sustaining Fidelity in Impactful Governance
Live discussion facilitated by: Karen Fryday-Field, Senior Consultant, Meridian Edge Leadership & Governance Consulting and CEO, GOVERN for IMPACT |
11:20-11:30 am | Break |
11:30-12:30 pm | Board Member Skills, Competencies, and Board Leader Character - What is Most Important and How Can We Build Competent Boards Who Practice with Strong Leader Character as We Face the Future?
How Can Boards Truly Lead in Complex, Turbulent Times? Are Board Really Willing to Lead? Video Session by: Governing Boards are made up of a cast of people. People demonstrate different levels of beliefs and competencies in leadership behaviours which are shaped by people’s leader character. Learn about how it is possible that a Board with an excellent technical governing system or approach to governance can still not achieve governance excellence and not deliver on the Board’s expected results. Examine the "people factor" related to Board culture and Board leadership behaviours and how they can significantly influence Board success. Participants will...
12:30-12:45 pm |
Critical Conversation on Board Member Skills, Competencies, and Board Leader Character Live Discussion Facilitated by: |
12:45-1:15 pm | Lunch Break |
1:15-2:15 pm |
Keynote - Leading Through Generations: The Power of Multigenerational Boards and Teams Video Session by: Panelists
There are five generations working side-by-side in many organizations today, adding a layer of complexity to how we communicate and collaborate. The cultural, economic, and social variances between generations often makes productive cooperation and decision-making challenging. These “generation gaps” can lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and attrition. Generational conflicts can also slow production, reduce enjoyment, and foster distrust. But these generational hurdles can be overcome! An organizational culture that champions the values and viewpoints of each generation starts with an understanding of basic generational differences, biases, and communication styles. Together we will explore how to work successfully alongside colleagues of every generation to discover mutual purpose and create meaningful and engaging working relationships. |
2:15-2:30 pm | Critical Conversation on The Power of Multigenerational Boards and Teams
Live Discussion Facilitated by: Tom Keyse, Conference Program Team Chair and Jeremiah Dameron, Director, Affiliate Services, GOVERN for IMPACT |
2:30-3:30 pm |
Key Policy Governance Application Challenges in a Variety of Sectors - Making Effective Governance Real on the Ground from the Front Lines Video Session by: Panelists
Experienced governance practitioners and experts from the education, municipal agencies, and credit union/banking sectors will share how their Board is managing real governance challenges. Challenges and what is working will be shared related to:
3:30-3:45 pm | Critical Conversation on Policy Governance Application Challenges in a Variety of Sectors
Live Discussion Facilitated by: Ted Humphrey, Board Member, NuVision Credit Union |
3:45-4:30 pm |
Is AI Changing the Way Boards Govern? Video Session by: Are you curious about how AI can assist your board in making better decisions? Join the Board Futurist Paul Smith for a workshop on AI-assisted board governance. In this interactive session, he'll provide you with an introduction to the exciting world of AI-assisted governance and give you practical tools to start applying AI in your own boardroom. During the workshop, you'll have the opportunity to participate in an interactive demonstration that will showcase the power of AI-assisted governance in action. You'll see how AI can help you analyze data more effectively, provide valuable insights, write board papers, and increase the operational efficiency of your board as well as increasing the resilience of your decision-making process. You'll also explore the future of AI-assisted governance, the risks, the possibilities and predictions that hark back to Paul’s 2017 conference keynote, "The Future of the Boardroom”. |
4:30-4:50 pm | Critical Conversation on Application of an AI Tool
4:50-5:00 pm | Closing and Where to From Here |
5:00-5:30 pm | Special Bonus for Registering by August 15, 2023
By invitation only" wrap-up Q&A discussion with Tom Keyse, Conference Program Chair and Governance Consultant and Karen Fryday-Field, Senior Consultant and Managing Partner, Meridian Edge Leadership & Governance Consulting. |