PGP Program

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The Policy Governance Proficiency Program

Date:  September to May Annually
  Affiliates $3,895.00 USD |  Non-Affiliates $4245.00 USD (additional details outlined below)


 Yes, it is, if you are interested in Policy Governance and governance more generally and are:

  • Acting as an internal or external consultant to one or more governing boards
  • A Member/Director/Trustee of a Governing Board*
  • A Board Officer on a Governing Board
  • A CEO who is accountable to a Governing Board
  • An Administrator or Corporate Secretary on whom one or more Governing Boards rely for high-level support

 *The term “governing board” is used to distinguish boards that have full accountability for an organization from boards that are advisory.



The GOVERN for IMPACT Policy Governance® Proficiency (PGP) program aims to provide a high-level understanding of governance in theory, principle and practice. The curriculum draws strongly on the work of John Carver in creating the Policy Governance system and provides context through the provision of an understanding of governance concepts, principles, theories, research, and practice. The course content also draws on the work of a number of other authors in the area of governance excellence.

GOVERN for IMPACT is a community of practitioners, researchers, and consultants in Policy Governance and other governance systems. It is a worldwide organization chartered in the United States as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. GOVERN for IMPACT is committed to the continuous improvement of the Governance Systems Professional (GSP)  credential as a trustworthy designation. Feedback to the PGP program participants is essential to this aim.

The PGP program leads to a certificate denoting the successful completion of an accredited program designed to provide a high standard of governance knowledge and expertise.  The PGP program has been accredited by IOEE (Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs) – a UK based body that accredits organizations to deliver qualifications and certify individuals around the world.

The PGP program is delivered online and is accessible from anywhere in the world to English-speaking participants who have a good internet connection.  Each PGP cohort is limited to approximately 16 participants.

The program aims to meet the needs of those who want to equip themselves to play a leadership role in the application of Policy Governance principles and practice, and the furtherance of governance knowledge more generally.

Competencies and Learning Outcomes
The overall competency that the PGP program seeks to develop is the ability to play a leadership role in the application of Policy Governance principles and practice and the furtherance of governance knowledge more generally.

This overall competency is further organized into sub-competencies for which there are specific Learning Outcomes delivered through a curriculum based around 7 Learning Units.

The PGP program Competencies and Learning Outcomes are derived from:

The latest Govern for Impact Consistency Framework

Consultation with the Policy Governance-Professional Education Team which oversees the program, the PGP Unit instructors, experienced Policy Governance consultants, and PGP alumni.

PGP participants must meet the following entry requirements:

  1. Complete the PGP Registration Form
  2. Provide evidence of ability to complete the program as follows:

Before acceptance of your registration in the program, you must provide evidence of:

  1. a Board Chair or CEO in an organization with which you have been involved,
  2. someone who has completed the Policy Governance Academy, or
  3. PGP alumnus who is willing to affirm the following:
    1. You have at least two years’ relevant experience as a board member, CEO, board support (e.g., board administrator) or board consultant.
    2. You have been actively engaged in developing and/or operating board processes using Policy Governance.
    3. You comprehend and write English to a degree-level standard

 Registration is limited and on a "first come, first served"  basis. 

  • All applications are reviewed to determine if the applicant meets the requirements to be admitted into the program
  • Application and registration for a spot in the program is not complete until the first payment is made
  • No course material will be forwarded for the first term until the first payment is received
  • No course material will be forwarded for the second term until the second payment is received 


Who It's For
Board members, board chairs, CEOs, organizational staff, and consultants who wish to play a leadership role in applying Policy Governance principles and practices in the non-profit, for-profit and/or public sectors and who want to gain more general governance knowledge.

What You Receive
You will receive a certificate acknowledging your successful completion of Govern for Impact's accredited program designed to provide a high standard of governance knowledge and expertise. Participants are officially recognized at GOVERN's annual conference and on the organization's website. Participants who successfully complete the PGP program are eligible to register to use GOVERN's professional designation, GSP (Governance Systems Professional). Govern for Impact is the non-profit community of practitioners, researchers and consultants interested in Policy Governance and other advanced governance systems. 

The PGP program provides the opportunity to network closely with peers and Instructors.  Instructors are available throughout the duration of their Unit to answer questions and provide support. Instructors lead an instructional/discussion/feedback session with participants during their unit, typically in the week following the Unit webinar. Peer group support is encouraged through online and offline discussion.

The PGP Program Director provides ongoing administrative and program information and support throughout the duration of the program.

What You Need to Invest
From October to May you will attend nine instructional webinars. The orientation webinar is held in mid-September. Each session takes place on Saturday morning at 11am Eastern Time (NYC/Toronto) and lasts 2 hours. You should plan to spend an average of 8-12 hours per week in reading, completing assignments and quizzes, individual or small group session with the Unit instructor, and personal study time.

Participants will be required to acknowledge and agree to the terms of use of GOVERN for IMPACT copyright course materials and any other materials obtained for the exclusive use of PGP participants.

Exam Participants are asked to provide feedback after each Unit and on the full program at its conclusion. However, feedback is welcome at any time and should be sent to the GOVERN for IMPACT Policy Governance Professional Education Team via the [email protected] .

Cost of the PGP Program 
  • GOVERN Affiliates: $3,895.00 USD
  • Non-affiliates: $4,245.00 USD (includes a one-year affiliation with GOVERN)

Participants should also allow about $300 for purchase of reading materials.

Fees are payable in two installments.


1st Installment
Due by Aug 31

2nd Installment
Due by Dec 31

Total Fee
Affiliate $2,195.00 $1,700.00 $3,895.00
Non-Affiliate $2,495.00 $1,750.00 $4,245.00

Cancellation Policy
A full refund is made if the application is not accepted (minus a $150.00 registration processing fee.)

If the student has registered for the program and paid and then resigns from the program by the end of Sep 30th at the latest, then they will receive a refund excluding a non-refundable registration, administration, and processing fee of $300 plus any costs already incurred by GOVERN for getting the student set up in the program. The student will also be required to return any materials that have been forwarded to them associated with the program.

If the student discontinues the program between October 1 and December 31, and had paid the first payment, the student will receive an $800.00 credit toward repeating the program for October to December the next year. This will apply only for one-year (that being the next year).

If the student discontinues the program with a written request for a credit between October 1 and December 31, and has paid the full tuition, the student will receive a $2,300.00 (Affiliate) or $2,600.00 (Non-affiliate) credit for the program the next year. 

If the student discontinues the program after December 31st with a written request for credit, the student will be provided with a $600.00 credit which can be applied to the second payment in the following year.  

How I Will Learn
Webinars and Instructors sessions are conducted using the Zoom platform. Participants also use the PGP Online Learning Center (OLC) to access Unit descriptions and resources, complete quizzes, and submit assignments. The OLC uses the Moodle platform. A high speed reliable internet service/web camera/microphone are needed.

The PGP Program program consists of seven units or learning delivered through:

  • Reading and videos
  • Webinars
  • Group and Individual sessions with the Unit Instructor (the format depends on the Unit)
  • Writing Assignments
  • Team Project Presentation
  • Final Exam  

It is strongly recommended that participants read the following two books before the start of Unit 1 of the program:
  • “Boards That Make a Difference: A New Design for Leadership in Nonprofit and Public Organizations”, 3rd Edition, John Carver 2006, Jossey-Bass ISBN-13: 978-0-7879-7616-3(cloth); ISBN-10: 0-7879-7616-4 (cloth)
  • “Corporate Boards That Create Value: Governing Company Performance from the Boardroom”, John Carver with Caroline Oliver, 2002, Jossey-Bass ISBN 0-7879-6114-0

You can purchase books through any other bookstore or online bookseller or borrow them from your local public or institutional libraries. We have also heard second-hand online booksellers such as AbeBooks and have been great for reasonably priced editions of the books you will use. 

Most reading material will be included as part of your program. However, you will need to purchase/gain library access to some other books if you don’t already have them. Upon registration, you will receive a list of all books which are used throughout the program. This will allow you to order them or determine where you can borrow them in advance of the start of the program.

Program Schedule
The PGP Program curriculum is delivered through seven Learning Units.  Each unit is approximately one month in length inclusive of pre-reading, webinar, individual or small group meeting with Instructor, and assignments.  All Unit Instructors have participated in the highest level of publicly available Policy Governance training, actively engage in, and lead continuing Policy Governance education, and have at least 10 years’ experience supporting Policy Governance implementation in a variety of settings.   

Unit 1 - Foundations of Governance

  • The Relationship between Governance and Society (legislation, regulation, standards and codes – (comply or explain, principles vs rules)
  • The Relationship between Governance and Owners and Stakeholders;
  • The Relationship Between Governance and Management

Unit 2 – Policy Governance Principles, Policy Creation and Architecture

Unit 3 – Governance Roles, Documentation, Processes and Competencies

Unit 4 - Monitoring: the Essential Process in Assuring Management and Board Performance

Unit 5 – Transcending Ourselves: Building the Ownership Connection

Unit 6 - Policy Governance in the World

Unit 7 – Implementing Policy Governance (Team Project)

Participants are considered to have completed the program if they achieve 75% on the final exam. Participants are required to complete all Unit assignments and the Team Project to be eligible to write the exam. 

Email: [email protected]

Mail:  GOVERN for IMPACT, 469 Waterloo St. Unit 0, London, ON, N6B 2P4, Canada 

Phone: 1-888-279-9920

Click Here to Apply to the PGP Program

Policy Governance® is an internationally registered service mark of John Carver. Used with permission. The authoritative website for Policy Governance is ( .